Choose an experienced criminal attorney in Nashville, TN

Charges for child abuse or child neglect don't always involve the serious level of abuse that many people would think of. Minors are protected under the law from the harmful actions or inaction of parents, relatives, guardians and caregivers.

Because Tennessee criminal law defines child abuse so broadly, some individuals find themselves facing charges for misunderstandings or mistakes. All parents make mistakes, but sometimes fail to realize those mistakes could rise to the level of criminal charges. The criminal defense attorneys at Ryan C. Davis Law, PLLC can work you with to defend against a horrendous allegation of child abuse.

Attorney Ryan C. Davis is highly qualified to represent you because he's a member of the...

1. Tennessee Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers

2. Tennessee Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers

3. Tennessee Bar Association

4. Nashville Bar Association

What might be considered child abuse?

Tennessee criminal law defines child abuse as wounds, injuries, or physical or mental harm caused by brutality or neglect toward a person younger than 18 years old. Some examples of child abuse include failing to supervise a child or leaving a child in a hot car.

Tell us about the circumstances of your arrest today so we can begin building the best defense against your charges.


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