Charged With A Weapon Offense?

Charged With A Weapon Offense?

Call a criminal attorney in Nashville, TN

If you're facing charges related to weapons or guns, you need to hire a criminal defense attorney right away. There are serious consequences related to weapon offenses in the state of Tennessee, and many weapon offenses carry minimum prison sentence requirements.

Contact attorney Ryan C. Davis today if you have been charged with a weapon or gun crime.

How can I be charged with a weapon offense?

The weapon offense laws in the state of Tennessee are very complicated and confusing. Many times, law enforcement doesn't even apply the correct charge when arresting someone for a weapon offense. You could face charges for knowingly possessing or transporting weapons if:

  • You have a prior felony conviction
  • You were in the possession of a weapon during the commission of an alleged assault
  • You were in possession of a weapon during an arrest for possessing illegal drugs
  • You were in possession of a weapon deemed to be unlawful for anyone to possess, such as a fully automatic gun or explosives

An experienced criminal attorney can help you understand the issues related to weapons charges and the onerous penalties you could be facing. Reach out to attorney Ryan C. Davis now.


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